Yes, you read correctly, International Watermelon Day is a real thing and it’s happening today! To celebrate all things watermelon, we’ve put together our top 10 Watermelon ‘fun’ facts. Continue reading International Watermelon Day
Author: Fruitful Day
Our Ramadan Inspired: Khosaf Smoothie
Our Ramadan Inspired: Sahlab Smoothie
Our Ramadan Inspired: Coconut Smoothie
Our Ramadan Inspired: Tamer Hindi Smoothie
Ramadan Nutrition: The Effect of Fasting on the Body
The body uses energy/calories from food to function. It takes approximately eight hours after the last meal for food to be digested, and for nutrients to be absorbed. After this, the body enters a fasting state until the next meal. During this period, the body uses its stores of carbohydrates (stored in the liver and muscle). Once the carbohydrate stores are used up, fat stores are used as a source of energy. Continue reading Ramadan Nutrition: The Effect of Fasting on the Body
We’re shining our spotlight on the amazing team members, collaborators and industry partners who are helping to make the day a little brighter. This month, meet Yael Mejia, Strategic Advisor for Fruitful Day. Continue reading FRUITFUL DAY SPOTLIGHT